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Extend The Life of Your Veneers By Changing Your Diet

January 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — plushdentistry @ 6:55 pm
dentist showing patient veneers in frisco

If you have veneers, you probably know the basics by now about how to regularly clean them and maintain them. What you may not know is that the foods you eat have a direct effect on them. Keep reading to learn what your Frisco dentist has to share about how a diet change with porcelain veneers can make a huge difference in their lifespan.

How Does My Diet Affect The Lifespan of My Veneers?

Choosing to invest in porcelain veneers is no small decision, and if you have them, you likely want them to last a while. The good news is, your diet plays a huge part in their lifespan, and it’s something you have complete control over. Here are some foods and drinks you might consider avoiding as well as some that are more “friendly” if you have porcelain veneers.

Foods and Drinks to Avoid With Porcelain Veneers:

  • Hard foods, such as candy, ice, and raw fruits and vegetables: These items require excess force when biting down and chewing, which can put your veneers at risk of cracking or breaking. Taking raw fruits and veggies out of your diet isn’t necessary, though. Instead, try chopping them up into smaller pieces or using a food processor to break them down into a softer substance.
  • Tough meats: Many people enjoy a good steak now and then. With porcelain veneers, it’s important to avoid extremely tough meats that require your teeth to cut and chew harder through. You run the risk of your veneers pulling loose from your natural teeth. When available, opt for softer meats or choose a more tender steak.
  • Sticky foods: These are a definite “no-no” when it comes to veneers. Not only can the sticky substance get stuck in your natural teeth, but it is even more difficult to remove if it becomes lodged around your veneers.
  • Staining agents: Dark-colored foods, drinks, and condiments should be limited when it comes to veneers. Ketchup, red wine, dark berries, and sodas are the main offenders when it comes to stains on veneers. When you do indulge in these, make sure you are rinsing your mouth out with water afterward.

Now that you know the foods and drinks that can pose a risk to the longevity of your porcelain veneers, here are some other options that pair well with them.

Veneer-Friendly Foods and Drinks

  • Soft carbs, grains, or starches: Foods like pasta, rice, mashed potatoes, and soft bread are great options to eat when it comes to porcelain veneers. One thing to be mindful of is that starch can easily cling to teeth, so just be sure to floss and brush after you eat it.
  • Eggs: Not only are eggs a great source of protein, but they are soft enough to eat with no problems when you have veneers. The best part is, there are so many different ways to eat them!
  • Mashed or soft fruits and vegetables: Bananas, canned vegetables, apple sauce, or any other soft fruits and veggies are great options to get the vitamins and minerals you need while still protecting your veneers.
  • Clear or light-colored beverages: Water is probably always the healthiest choice when it comes to drinks, however, you’re likely not going to want to drink it at every meal. Choose lighter-colored sodas or white wines when it comes to other beverage options. While these are still just as sugary and acidic as their darker counterparts and need to be rinsed off afterward, you can at least avoid some staining.

Whether you’ve had your porcelain veneers for a week or ten years, it’s important to take care of them so they will last. Talk to your dentist about the different diet options that can keep your smile shining brightly.

About the Practice

Dr. M. Faizan Ali and Dr. Naira T. Kraipak are passionate about giving their patients the smiles of their dreams through the gift of porcelain veneers. It is their top priority to provide them with the knowledge and tools they need to keep their veneers looking great and lasting for a long time. Their combined years of experience and skills make them a great choice for your cosmetic dental procedures in Frisco. Is your smile looking the way you want it to? Schedule a consultation online or call (469) 850-0786.

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