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5 Excellent Reasons to Choose a Family Dentist

July 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — plushdentistry @ 12:38 am
Happy family visiting their Frisco family dentist

Getting a dental checkup twice a year plays a key role in keeping your smile happy, healthy, and intact for a lifetime. However, that can be a somewhat difficult task if you, your kids, your spouse, and your older parents all see a different dentist! Trying to juggle so many different practices and appointments can easily let an oral health issue go unnoticed, which can lead to a painful and pricey dental emergency. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to bring your loved ones to your local Frisco family dentist! Here are five benefits you all can enjoy from visiting the same dental care professional.

1.) Convenient Scheduling & Appointments

Are you tired of driving all over town to visit different dentists? Have you accidentally scheduled a visit that conflicted with another appointment you made elsewhere? Trying to keep track of multiple dentists and practices can be overwhelming. Make dental appointments significantly more convenient by consolidating your family’s care! Visiting the same practice for all your family’s oral health care needs will save you time and effort. It’ll also make scheduling so much more convenient!

2.) Treatments for Every Stage of Life

A family dentist has the training and ability needed to care for smiles in every stage of life. Is it time for your child’s first checkup? Does your teenager need orthodontic treatment? Are your parents missing teeth? Do you want to brighten your smile? Your local Frisco family dentist has a wide range of services and extensive experience caring for smiles of all ages.

3.) Keep Better Track of Your Family’s Dental History

If each family members’ dental health records are stored at different offices, it can be difficult to keep track of their history. Taking your loved ones to a family dentist means that all their records, treatments, and information are kept safe and secure in the same place. This can also help your dentist spot inherited issues or dental trends that you may not have noticed otherwise.

4.) Know Where to Turn in an Emergency

A broken, painful, or knocked-out tooth can be a sudden and alarming situation, so it’s important to know where to go ahead of time. When your whole family visits the same dentist, you won’t have to remember which office to go to and how to get there in the midst of your dental emergency. A familiar practice with a familiar family dentist will help take some of the stress and chaos out of even the most overwhelming dental situations.

5.) Create a Lasting & Trusting Relationship

You don’t have to be thrilled about visiting your dentist, but no one in your family should feel stressed or anxious about it! The family dentist that’s right for you will take the time to get to know you and your loved ones, and ensure that each of you feels as comfortable as possible. The more often you see them, the more at-ease you’ll feel in the examination chair and the more confident you’ll feel if you need treatment for an issue like tooth decay or gum disease. Plus, seeing the same dentist throughout your child’s lifetime will encourage them to keep caring for their oral health for years to come!

Great oral health should be a top priority for everyone in your family. Thankfully, caring for each of their unique dental needs doesn’t have to be complicated! See your Frisco family dentist today and keep those smiles happy and healthy for life!

About the Practice

At Plush Dentistry, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to dentistry. Instead, our talented dentists get to know each of our patient’s goals, concerns, and unique smile to provide personalized care. We go above and beyond to make our practice as comfortable and welcoming as possible for smiles of all ages. We offer children’s services, Invisalign, tooth replacement options, cosmetic treatments, and much more in order to meet all your family’s needs under one roof. If you’d like to learn more, we can be contacted via our website or at (469) 850-0786.

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